HTML5 Guidelines
Additional Site Served Requirements
Backup Image
For Yahoo-served executions, backup image(s) should be included in the .zip package (it will not be counted against total file weight) when submitted.
For Yahoo-served executions, please provide original unminified source files (including product files like .an) as well as minified production code. Ideally, this should come in two separate folders: One labeled “original” and one labeled “publish.”
- All creative assets (images, code, etc.) should be submitted in a single .zip file. There should be only one (1) .html file at the root of the package that starts the ad. The total file weight will be determined by the weight of all zipped assets
- For executions with multiple units (e.g., expandable banner), each unit should be delivered, and function, as its own independent folder with it's own index.html file
For example, a 300x250 banner that expands to 700x500 should include two (2) folders:
One (1) folder containing the 300x250 unit with all js, html & asset files
One (1) folder containing the 700x500 unit with all js, html & asset files
File Size: See individual ad format pages for additional information on file weight limits
File Weight: Measured after all code and assets are stored to a .zip file
- The .zip file must include ALL assets and reference code such as JavaScript libraries
- Once the .zip file is uncompressed, the ad (an .html file) must be viewable without a network connection (all code and assets used in the ad are contained in the .zip file)
- User-Initiated files will not be considered as part of the initial load ad size
- Host-Initiated Subload replaces the term “polite load” for Interactive Banners and is defined by the IAB as “the additional file limit allowed for rich media that is auto-initiated one second after the domContentLoadedEventEnd occurs (web page content has been loaded) on the host computer or device". Only Interactive ads allow for the additional Host-Initiated Subload
- All required clickTags and interaction calls must be included without minification or obfuscation
- All clicks and interaction buttons must be instrumented before delivery of the completed ad
- Use the clickTag variable (not case sensitive) for the click event (i.e. this can be clickTag, clickTAG, clicktag)
To implement a clickTAG, please use the below:
<a href=", '_blank')">Click Here!</a>
Multiple Clickthrough URLs
You must enumerate multiple click tags as follows: clickTAG0, clickTAG1, clickTAG2, etc.
NOTE: Multiple clickthrough URLs are NOT supported for standard ad files being uploaded directly to our DSP at this time