Native Stream (Yahoo Native Network)
Combines a variety of assets provided by advertisers in order to produce rich, compelling ad experiences. Native Stream ads are displayed alongside page content, which provides interaction and engagement superior to traditional display advertising.
Native Stream ads are clickable ads that fit the form and function of the content around them, such as within the content stream on Yahoo properties.
Native Ads on Yahoo are powered by Taboola. For a comprehensive set of Ad Specifications and best practices please visit here (DSP login required).
Available Features
- Description length (optional): 150 characters and below is best, Maximum 250 characters
- The description length presented depends on the placement. If truncated, the description will end in an ellipsis.
- All languages are supported
- Emojis are not supported
- Headline Character Length: 34-45 characters is recommended. Maximum 100 characters
- Branding Text: 30 characters maximum
Main Image
Size: 1200x627 (Required)
Image file: 5MB maximum
File type: JPEG (preferred), BMP, PNG, WBMP, non-animated GIF
Square Image
Size: 627x627 (Required)
Image file: 5MB maximum
File type: JPEG (preferred), BMP, PNG, WBMP, non-animated GIF
Recommend three (3) to five (5) cards
Each card will have the following assets:
- Image [Required field]
- Title [Required field. Max chars: 50]
- Description [Optional field. Max chars: 150; Does not render on some sites]
- CTA [Optional field; Does not render at the moment]
- Landing URL [Required field]
Each card includes one 1200x627 image (images must be unique)
Motion (gif) ads & Video are supported on Carousel.
- File Type: .GIF, MP4, MOV
- Max File Size: 50 MB (maximum 5 MB for .gif files.)
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (Best Practice), 4:5
- Pixel Resolution: 1000x600.
- Max Length: 15 Seconds.
- Backup Image: 1200x627 pixels (JPG, PNG)
- No sound
- Headline Character Length: 34-45 is best, 60 Characters max
- Branding Text: 30 characters maximum
- Aspect Ratio: Advertisers can upload a logo with dimensions specified for optimal display. Square logo 1x1, minimum dimensions: [180 x 180]
- Format: Supported logo formats include PNG and JPG.
- File Size Limit: maximum file size 5MB (as static image)
- Safe Zone: Height / width circle of the image, minus the corners
Tag Guidelines
- One Click Through URL is required and can be 3rd party served
- 3rd party Impression Trackers are accepted in Image format and cannot be wrapped in html tags. Javascript Impression trackers are not permitted.
Must choose from a range of call-to-action text, detailed below:
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Native Ad Guidelines
A comprehensive set of guidelines and deliverables can be found here (DSP login required).
Headlines and Text Guidelines
- The headline and text must be spelled correctly and use proper grammar and punctuation.
- The headline and text must accurately represent the product and offering and be relevant to the landing page.
- Headlines should consistently follow the grammar or styling rules of the language they are written in. For example:
- French headlines should not end with a period.
- German headlines should only capitalize the first letter of the title and nouns.
- Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish headlines should only capitalize the first letter of the headline and proper nouns.
- Avoid capitalizing the entire headline and any whole words in it.
- Avoid exaggerated claims and overpromising, such as guarantees or money-making and unsubstantiated health claims.
- Refrain from suggesting a concrete outcome and using absolute language and words, such as “cure,” “prevent” or “stop.”
- Avoid using an exaggerated tone or punctuation, such as including multiple exclamation marks or words like “WOW,” “Shocking” or “Never.”
- All statistics should be authentic and have a valid source and reference.
Image Guidelines
- Image must not be blurry or pixelated. Use the highest resolution possible for the sizing.
- Image size must be at least 2.5 MB in size with a minimum width of 600px and length of 400px to serve all placement sizes.
- Only images relevant to the product, offering and landing page will be accepted.
- Images must not contain pornographic, defamatory or otherwise unlawful or immoral content, limited clothing, nudity or exaggerated facial expressions; depict unlawful or violent acts; be sexually suggestive; or include any infringing or offensive material.
- Avoid using “before and after” images.
- Avoid featuring celebrities or politicians without explicit permission.
Landing Page Guidelines
- Must contain company details and contact information.
- Must link to your privacy policy and include advertorial disclosures where appropriate.
- Links must not be broken
- Link to relevant content.
- Avoid using countdown timers, auto-updating timestamps or any suggestion that the offer is time-limited.
- Do not use fake testimonials.
- Link to relevant social media sources
- Include transcripts on all videos
- Ensure users have full playback control (sound, pause, stop, mute, etc.)
Ad Policies & Guidelines
Ads must comply with Global Yahoo Advertising Policies.
Ad Vendor
Ads must be site served.
Ad Policies & Guidelines
Ads must comply with Global Yahoo Advertising Policies.
HTML5 Guidelines
HTML5 ad specifications must follow HTML5 Guidelines.
SSL Compliance
Ads & 3rd party vendors must be secure and SSL compliant.
Creative Timelines
Refer to Creative Submission Guidelines for ad design & build SLAs.