Ad directory

AOL Homepage Partner DL

AOL Homepage Partner DL runs on all versions of AOL Homepages except Article Pages, Section Fronts & Client Narrowband.


Ad componentsFile typeDimensionsMax file size
DL Image (Desktop)JPG600 x 45080 KB
DL Image (Mobile)JPG500 x 25080 KB
Headline Copy TextMax character count is ~120 including spaces for desktop. Min character count is 32 including spaces. Note: our smallest breakpoints have a max character count of ~80. This includes browser sizes from 0 to 633px and 901 to 1100px. If the desire is to use the same copy across all browser sizes then it will need to be ~ 80 characters or less otherwise copy will be truncated as needed.
  • Must be site-served. 3rd party ad serving is not allowed.
  • Natively-served through the Reserved Ad Server:
  1. DL5
  2. DL20 ( only)
  3. DL10 (AOL Desktop Gold client only)
Screen Support
  • Mobile
  • Tablet
  • Desktop
DL Image
  • Frequency Cap: Advertisers can use same image only once per week (Sun → Sat).
    Headline Copy
    • Must use sentence case – only the first word and any proper noun is capitalized – to be consistent with Edit DL
    • Exclamation points or excessive punctuation not acceptable
    • All CAPS not acceptable
    • Parenthesis not acceptable
    • Periods not acceptable
    • If quoting a source, must be single quotes (e.g. ‘_____’)
    • Suggested: Headline to align with image
    • AOL reserves the right to edit to meet native-edit standards
    Link Copy
    • Character count can vary based on letters used. The approximate character count is ~15-20 including spaces.
    • Link line is a single line only and does not wrap.
    • Must use sentence case – only the first word and any proper noun is capitalized – to be consistent with Edit DL
    • Exclamation points or excessive punctuation not acceptable
    • ALL CAPS not acceptable
    • Parenthesis not acceptable
    • Periods not acceptable
    • Dashes must be written as double dashes (--); 1 space between surrounding words
    • Must contain a clear call to action and should not rely on blind teases (e.g., 'Click here to learn more' or 'Find out more by clicking')
    • AOL reserves the right to edit to meet native-edit standards
    • No link line will appear on mobile web.
    DL Image

    Background Hex Value Recommendation: Choose a light color (not white) palette range that does not clash with page values.

    Ad Vendor

    Ads must be site served.

    3rd Party Ad Tags & Trackers

    Reserved Native Ads are not allowed to serve via 3rd party vendor ad tags. However, approved 3rd party vendor trackers (e.g. click, impression, etc.) are allowed.

    For a list of approved 3rd party vendors, please visit the 3rd Party Vendor List.

    Ad Policies & Guidelines

    Ads must comply with Global Yahoo Advertising Policies.

    HTML5 Guidelines

    HTML5 ad specifications must follow HTML5 Guidelines.

    SSL Compliance

    Ads & 3rd party vendors must be secure and SSL compliant.

    Creative Submission Timelines

    Refer to Creative Submission Guidelines for ad design & build SLAs.

    AOL Homepage - U.S.