Global Yahoo Advertising Policies
Advertising Categories
Adult Products and Services
Adult products and services are not acceptable.
Advertising for sexual enhancers, products aimed at increasing sex drive, increasing the size of sexual organs, and increasing sexual endurance is generally not acceptable. This includes but is not limited to films, magazines, websites, sex toys and entertainment/pornography.
Adult Content includes:
Humor, imagery, text, video or audio that is not appropriate for non-adults and includes:
- Illegal, non-consensual, denigrating, obscene, or violent activity, including bestiality, brutality, torture, death, illegal drug use, cruelty, prostitution, pedophilia, rape, incest, extreme or shocking sex, child pornography, strippers/strip clubs, escorts, or content that relates to persons who are, or are suggested to be, under the legal age permitted in applicable jurisdictions are strictly prohibited.
- Nudity:
- Sexually suggestive images of children/teenagers/adults (male or female) are not allowed.
- Images focused on or showing genitals, buttocks, and female nipples are not allowed.
United States:
Hard liquor, beer and wine advertising must comply with federal, state, and local laws as well as standard industry codes and regulations. This includes age-gating mechanisms and responsible drinking disclaimers, as deemed applicable by industry regulations.
Hard liquor, beer and wine advertising is acceptable only on sites which have 74% of their traffic over the age of 21 as validated by an industry-accepted source of metrics (e.g., comScore) and are an appropriate context for alcohol advertising. If an advertiser is proposing alcohol advertising for a property that does not have comScore reporting, please contact your Account Manager.
- All landing pages must contain an age-screening mechanism.
- Demo-targeting to users 21+ may be required for certain placements in addition to compliance with these policies.
- Hard liquor advertising must, at a minimum, comply with the Code of Good Practices, adopted by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS).
- Beer advertising must, at a minimum, comply with the Beer Institute's Advertising and Marketing Code.
- Wine advertising must, at a minimum, comply with the Wine Institute's Code of Advertising Standards.
- All potential alcohol advertising must be sent to the Yahoo Ad Policy team for approval, and must comply with the above and below guidelines
All alcohol advertising, including advertising for hard liquor (spirits), beer and wine must comply with Canadian federal and provincial laws and regulations, as well as these guidelines.
All potential alcohol advertising must get prior approval.
Location of Advertising
- On Yahoo properties, spirits, beer and wine advertising is acceptable only in the specific areas noted on the Yahoo Alcohol Buy List. These areas have 72% of their traffic over the age of 19 as validated by an industry-accepted source of metrics (e.g., comScore) and are an appropriate context for alcohol advertising. If an advertiser is proposing alcohol advertising for an Yahoo property that does not have comScore reporting, they need prior approval from the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
- On third-party publisher sites, spirits, beer and wine advertising is acceptable only on sites that have 72% of their traffic over the age of 19 as validated by an industry-accepted source of metrics (e.g., Media Metrix). For more information about which sites are appropriate for alcohol advertising, please contact the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
Content of Advertising
- All advertisements for alcoholic beverages must contain a responsibility message on the actual creative. Alcohol advertising that targets Manitoba must contain the message “Please drink responsibly”.
- All advertisements made by or on behalf of an alcohol manufacturer (e.g. a brewing company, liquor manufacturer or winery) that include a hyperlink to a landing page must either:
Include an age-screening mechanism on the landing page; or
Contain the words “Must be legal drinking age” in the advertisement. The above is not required where the landing page is operated by a provincial liquor board or store (e.g. the LCBO or The Beer Store).
- Alcohol advertisements must, at a minimum, comply with the Code for Broadcast Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages and related Interpretive Guidelines adopted by the Canadian Radio- television and Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC”), and the Advertising Standards Canada (“ASC”) Alcoholic Beverage Advertising Clearance Guide.
- Alcohol advertisements should also comply more generally with the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards and the related Interpretative Guidelines administered by Advertising Standards Canada.
- Demo-targeting to users 19+ may be required for certain placements in addition to compliance with these policies.
- Alcohol advertising that targets Quebec must be pre-approved by the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux. The advertising must be in French, and may also be in French and another language provided that French is markedly predominant.
- To the extent that alcohol advertisements are targeted to users in specific provinces, additional advertising standards established by provincial government agencies may apply.
- Alcohol advertisements should not:
Encourage the general consumption of alcohol (versus promoting a brand)
Attempt to sway non-drinkers of any age to purchase alcohol
Promote irresponsible, excessive or prolonged consumption or use
Imply or depict actual consumption
Portray a product as a status symbol or necessity of life
Imply social or personal acceptance, success or achievement as a result of consumption
Imply alcohol is needed for the realization of a desired lifestyle, athletic prowess, sexual opportunity, fulfillment of goals or resolution of problems
Claim healthful, curative or stimulating effects
Associate the product with drinking and driving or the operation of motor vehicle
Associate the product with an activity that requires a high degree of care or skill
Associate the product with any situation where consumption is prohibited
Contain inducements based on a product’s (elevated) alcohol content
Contain imperative language such as “buy” or “drink”
Target persons under the legal drinking age (minors), and in particular should not:
Link alcohol products with young persons or symbols of youth
Connect alcohol products with activities primarily attractive to minors
Contain endorsements by persons considered “role models” to minors
Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Please refer to the guidelines and links above for further information and direction.
Background Searches or Arrest Records
- Advertising for services that offer background checks and people searches may be acceptable.
- Advertising for arrest records and/or criminal backgrounds is not acceptable.
- Use of mugshots or references to criminal activity in advertising or on landing pages is not acceptable.
Beauty Products
Advertising for beauty products is acceptable, provided it complies with these Policies and applicable regulations or guidance issued by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”). Advertisers may be required to submit third-party substantiation concerning such compliance.
Beauty products are acceptable if: a) the images are presented in good taste, b) the results are realistic, and c) all required messaging is included on the creative (e.g., simulated imagery).
- There should be no claim or implication that the product can prevent, treat or cure any disease.
- There should be no claim that the product has an effect on the structure or function of the body beyond visually perceived cosmetic enhancement.
- Claims must be supported by clinical studies, appropriate consumer testing, and/or other scientific evidence.
- There should be no claim or implication that use of the product will result in any permanent or long-lasting change.
- Misleading comparisons to pharmaceuticals or surgical procedures are not acceptable.
- Advertising should not create false or overly optimistic expectations.
- Any before and after photographs/comparisons must not be presented in a deceptive manner.
Sexual Health Products
The advertising of condoms, nonprescription (e.g., spermicides) and prescription contraceptive (e.g., birth control pills) products is acceptable except in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Due to the sensitive and personal nature of this product category, all potential condom and contraceptive advertising, including ad placement, is approved on a case-by-case basis. Yahoo may in its sole discretion remove any advertisement that it considers unsuitable.
- Condoms/contraceptive ads should not promote casual sex and/or promiscuity.
- Condom/contraceptive ads must solely advertise the condom or contraceptive (i.e., no sex toys, devices, or products used to enhance sexual encounters).
- Condom/contraceptive ads must be targeted to users over the age of majority in approved regions.
Dating Services
Advertising for online dating services is acceptable, except in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Ads are subject to the Yahoo Ad Policy team’s advance review and approval, and the following guidelines:
- Site must not promote escort services.
- Site must not promote "mail-order bride" services or any type of international matchmaking that promotes transactional relationships or exploits socio-economic differences or stereotypes
- Creatives and landing pages must not promote or imply casual sex and/or promiscuity (e.g., the presence of terms such as "discreet," "intimate," etc.).
- Creatives and landing pages must not contain sexually suggestive language and/or lascivious body language.
- Creatives and/or site should not feature models in a manner that suggests they are under 18 years of age (e.g., model with pigtails or dressed in a school girl’s uniform).
- Creatives and/or site must not promote meeting specific groups or individuals based on physical characteristics, physical disabilities or sensitive health conditions.
- Creatives may not contain “personalized” ad messages (chat boxes, etc.)
- Creatives may not indicate or imply that users will meet or connect with fictitious or specific individuals
- Creatives may not contain more than one animation at a time.
- Creatives may not contain animation that contains elements that pop out at the user (search boxes, etc.)
- High level Yahoo placements will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Dietary Supplements
Advertising for dietary supplements is acceptable. Ads for supplements that are promoted as or designed to be used for the purpose of weight loss may be restricted from running on certain properties or sites, at Yahoo’s discretion. Dietary supplements must comply with these Policies and all FDA and FTC regulations and guidance. Advertisers may be required to submit third-party substantiation concerning such compliance.
- All claims in advertisements must be substantiated in accordance with FTC’s Advertising Guide for Dietary Supplements.
- Unless expressly authorized by the FDA, a dietary supplement cannot make an express or implied claim to treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Provided there is adequate substantiation, claims can be made that the product is intended to affect the structure or function of the body, as long as the claims comport with FDA regulations for structure/function claims. See 21 CFR 101.93 for guidance.
- There should be no implication that dietary supplements can replace or be equated with conventional foods.
- Dietary supplements must be ingested by mouth. They cannot be inhaled or applied topically (e.g., a cream or transdermal patch).
- Misleading comparisons to pharmaceuticals or surgical procedures are not acceptable.
- Dietary supplement advertising should be directed to adults and should not appear in areas directed to users under 18.
- Advertising for dietary supplement products that contain human growth hormones (HGH) or human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) are not acceptable.
- Advertising for any supplement where there is reason to believe that the product could present significant health risks to a user is not acceptable. For example, advertising is not allowed for the following products: Ephedra, ephedrine products, and Ephedra-based or Ma Huang supplements.
- Herbal supplements that mimic the effect of illegal substances are not acceptable.
- When appropriate to ensure the advertisement is not misleading, the following disclaimer should be used: "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
- The words "safe", "harmless", "without risk" or any words or phrases with similar meaning are not acceptable for dietary supplement advertising.
APAC: It is the advertiser's responsibility to ensure that any health claims made in connection with complementary medicines (herbs, botanicals, vitamins, minerals, nutritional supplements, homeopathic medicines and certain aromatherapy products), comply with all applicable laws, codes and regulations. The advertiser must ensure that the ad contains correct and balanced statements and any claims made in the ad has been substantiated and verified by the advertiser.
See Appendix B: Healthcare and Medicines, International Restrictions for additional information.
Recreational Drugs
Advertising that facilitates the distribution, use, or cultivation of illegal substances, substances of questionable legality, or substances whose primary purpose is for recreational mind alteration is not acceptable.
Advertising that facilitates the distribution of drug paraphernalia, which is defined as any legitimate equipment, product, or material that is modified for making, using, or concealing recreational drugs is not acceptable.
Advertising for the following is prohibited:
- Medicinal or recreational marijuana products and derivatives, including marijuana-derived CBD
- Dispensaries, delivery methods, accessories, and any services related to marijuana
Issue advocacy and political advertising related to marijuana, for example ads that advocate for or against the legalization of marijuana, are acceptable provided that the advertisements comply with Yahoo's Advertising Policies for political and issue advocacy contained herein. Ad creative may not feature marijuana plants, symbols or imagery.
Public health and safety messages related to marijuana are allowed with pre-approval by the Yahoo Ad Policy Team.
Marijuana - Investments
Advertising that promotes investment opportunities or financial advice related to marijuana is only permitted in the US and Canada.
Investment ads must comply with the following guidelines, in addition to our policies for "Investment Advice":
- Per our policy for "Single Securities", ads may not promote specific companies by name or stock symbol.
- Ads may not suggest the sale of marijuana products
- Ad creative may not feature marijuana plants, symbols or imagery
Family & Adoption
Advertising for sites that promote adoption, surrogacy services, or prenatal gender determination are not acceptable.
Financial Products & Services
Advertisers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, licensing/registration and disclosure requirements in all applicable jurisdictions.
Financial services advertisers must be licensed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
Credit Cards
UK: ads that promote credit cards must include the following information on the landing page in a clear and obvious way with a prominent clear label "Representative APR."
- The rate of interest
- Any fees or charges relating to the credit
- The credit limit
- The cash price and the amount of any advance payment
- The name and postal address for the advertiser
Credit Repair
Yahoo does not accept ads for credit repair services that market services to remove negative credit history that legitimately appears on a user's credit report.
Foreign Exchange, Binary Options, Trading Platforms
- Australia: Trading platforms must be authorized by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
- Canada: The promotion of sites related to binary options is not allowed. The promotion of sites related to foreign currency trading is acceptable, provided that the Forex trading platform is registered in each province/territory according to the Canadian Securities Administration (CSA), and a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.
- France: The promotion of sites related to foreign currency trading, binary options, or any contract for difference is not allowed.
- Hong Kong: Trading platforms must be authorized by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.
- India: The promotion of sites offering overseas trading in speculative products such as derivatives, foreign currency, bitcoin or other commodities is not allowed. The promotion or opening of demat and securities trading accounts in India are not allowed unless the client has SEBI registration. Sites will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Singapore: Trading platforms must hold an appropriate license by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Companies offering investment services must hold the necessary license if so required by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. All investments related ads should contain the appropriate disclaimers required by Appendix J of the Singapore Code of Advertising Practice (SCAP).
- Turkey: Ads for binary options are prohibited. Advertisers of Forex trading platforms must 1) provide proof that the Forex trading platform is authorized by the Turkish Capital Markets Board and 2) attest that advertisements comply with content requirements under Turkey's Capital Markets Law, the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Investment Services and Activities and Ancillary Services, and the Communiqué on the Establishment and Operating Principles of Investment Firms and 3) receive approval from Yahoo Legal.
- UK: Trading platforms must be authorized by the UK Financial Conduct Authority.
Fund Recovery Services
Yahoo does not accept ads from for-profit companies that claim to be able to recover stolen money, disputed funds, or items and prizes that were never received.
Government Grants
Advertising for a government grant or economic stimulus check-related products or services are not acceptable.
Investment Advice
- Advertisers who promote financial products and services must ensure they comply with all applicable local laws and regulatory requirements. Advertisers may be asked to provide evidence of license upon request.
- All landing pages contain a clear and prominent disclaimer explaining the risks involved (e.g., Investing in stock markets involves the risk of loss).
- Claims of financial rewards that are deemed unreasonable must be substantiated.
- Ads must include links to third-party accreditation/endorsement where affiliation is implied or stated. Examples include, but are not limited to, verification of government affiliation, industry groups, and third-party ratings.
- Ads must provide accurate physical contact information for the business being promoted.
- Ads can’t guarantee loan modification or foreclosure prevention.
Payday Loan/Cash Advance Companies
Native, Video and Display: Ads for sites that promote payday loans are not allowed, except in the following markets: United States, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand, and Vietnam.
All such potential advertisements must be sent to the Yahoo Ad Policy team for approval.
The advertiser must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Federal Truth-in-Lending Act and state payday, deferred presentment, and other consumer credit and usury laws, as applicable. In addition, the following country-specific restrictions apply:
- United States: 1) Advertisers must be in good standing with state regulatory authorities, hold current state licenses in states that require licensing, and produce satisfactory evidence of licensure upon request. 2) Advertisers must also be members of at least one of the following associations: The Community Financial Services Association of America, the Online Lenders Alliance, or the Financial Service Centers of America. 3) Note: If advertiser has a storefront please let the Yahoo Ad Policy team know as part of the review.
- Canada: Advertisers must be members of the Canadian Consumer Finance Association.
- South Africa: Lender must be registered with the National Credit Regulator: and must abide by the codes set by the Advertising Regulatory Board:
- UK: Lender must be registered with the Financial Conduct Authority ( and follow the UK Code of Advertising for the payday industry (
Penny Auctions
Penny auctions, also known as bidding fee auctions, are not acceptable.
Single Securities
Ads or landing pages that promote an investment opportunity in a Single Security, or a particular Penny Stock, are not acceptable.
Firearms, Weapons, and Fireworks
Advertising or promotion of the following is not acceptable:
- Firearms, firearms parts, accessories and ammunition
- Paintball guns, airsoft guns and BB guns
- Knives and blunt objects created for use as weapons
- Handgun safety certificates
- Military ordnance and grenades, even if the item has been "demilitarized.”
- Fireworks and other explosives
- Electronic Control Devices, such as tasers and stun guns
Advertising for food is acceptable.
Brazil and Taiwan: Ads for food products that claim to have specific health related benefits are not allowed.
- In Taiwan, government-certified health foods may be allowed.
- In Brazil, whey protein, amino-acids and caffeine related products, along with other functional foods may be allowable, dependent upon appropriate marketing.
- Advertisements for Nutri-Grade beverages graded “D” are prohibited.
Infant Feeding
- Brazil, India, and Vietnam: Advertising that promotes the sale or use of formula, feeding bottles, rubber nipples, or baby food is prohibited.
- Singapore: Advertisements for infants' food, other than infant formula formulated for infants from birth to 6 months of age, is prohibited. Advertising for infant formula must comply with the guidelines in The Sale of Infant Food Ethics Committee Singapore (SIFECS) Code of Ethics
Gambling: Casinos and Offline Locations
Advertising for sites promoting offline gambling establishments or events in accordance with local, state and federal laws and regulations are acceptable; however, any potential advertising opportunities involving offline gambling will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
- Advertising for sites promoting offline gambling establishments such as casinos or race tracks, and events such as the Kentucky Derby, is acceptable, provided the sites:
do not falsely or unfairly raise hopes and expectations of winning;
are in conformance with all legal requirements including, but not limited to, 18 U.S.C. 1304 and provide documentation of state licensing, if applicable;
do not include or link to unlawful (i) online gambling opportunities or (ii) online gaming sites that leverage gambling-like behavior.
- Ads for offline gambling establishments must be in context of the area(s) in which they are promoted (e.g., promoted by locale–or within the context of vacationing or traveling).
- Advertising for legitimate state-run lotteries is acceptable. A “lottery” is defined as a promotion in which all elements of consideration, chance and prize are present. Such sites must not include or link to (i) online gambling opportunities or (ii) online gaming sites that leverage gambling-like behavior. Promotion of lotteries outside of their legally permitted area is not allowed.
Ads for land-based casinos are not allowed in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Ads for land-based casinos are not allowed in Singapore or the Philippines unless authorized by their respective governments.
Gambling and Gaming (Online)
Advertising for gambling sites based in the United States is permitted where the site is licensed or otherwise authorized under the law of a state to offer such gambling. Advertisers must 1) show that the site is licensed or otherwise authorized to offer gambling in a particular state or states, and 2) describe how they comply with any location requirements imposed by state or local law (e.g., any requirements that only persons physically present in the state or certain other states may bet on the site).
Advertising opportunities involving sports betting will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Yahoo Ad Policy team, and are subject to Yahoo's Competitor Advertising Policy. Advertising for websites offering sports betting or sports odds must be directed at players located in US states where legally permissible and the above requirements must be met.
Responsible gaming requirements:
- Advertising must not misrepresent or glorify the benefits of gambling, or encourage people to play beyond their means.
- Advertising may not imply or suggest that gambling is a viable alternative to employment or financial investments, a way to recover from financial losses or that skills may affect the outcome of a game of chances.
- Information on the odds of winning and prize amounts must be described accurately and must not be misrepresented. Advertisers may not present winning as the most probable outcome of the game, nor misrepresent a person’s chance of winning a prize.
- Targeting minors is not allowed. Advertising must not be directed toward individuals under the applicable minimum age to participate in online gambling, or served in a context where it is highly likely it will be displayed to such individuals. This includes, but it is not limited to, the use of language, themes, expressions, graphic resources, audio or visual elements that may appeal to underage individuals, or using individuals who are or appear to be underage in promotional content or on the website.
Advertising for free online gaming sites is acceptable, per the following guidelines. Yahoo will accept advertisements for 1) websites that allow users to play casino-style games for free and 2) sites that offer instruction or other information on how to play casino-style games, subject to the following guidelines:
- Gaming sites may not link to or promote in any way any web site featuring online sports gambling. This prohibition includes any software downloaded from the site, dropping desktop shortcuts/icons, or in any communications, including emails, with users of the site.
- Gaming sites may link to or promote an online gambling site offering non-sports gambling if that gambling site is based in the United States and is licensed or otherwise authorized by the law of a state to offer such gambling.
- All advertising creative is subject to Yahoo’s advance review and approval, and cannot be changed once approved. Gaming sites may be required to provide Yahoo with consumer communications such as standard welcome emails and email newsletters.
- Advertising for sites offering any product or program that claims to increase the likelihood of winning (e.g., computer programs that enhance the accuracy of a bet) is not acceptable.
Fantasy Sports
At all times while ad campaigns are running, advertisers must be in compliance with all applicable regulations, including the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), as well as industry best practices.
- Targeting to 21+ is required.
- Advertising for daily fantasy sports is only allowed where permitted by state or local law.
Ads for fantasy sports should not be placed on anything related to the NCAA.
See Appendix C, Online Gambling, International Restrictions
Health Services and Medical Devices
Ads for health care providers, medical services, medical spas, cosmetic surgery providers, hospitals, clinics, and medical devices must comply with all applicable legislation, including licensing or registration requirements, if required.
Brazil and Russia: Ads in this category may be subject to further restrictions.
Over the Counter Drugs
Advertising for nonprescription drugs is acceptable, provided that it complies with these Policies and applicable regulations or guidance issued by the FDA and FTC. Advertisers may be required to submit third-party substantiation concerning such compliance.
Advertising for nonprescription drugs should provide factual information about such products, avoid overstatements of their capabilities and advise consumers to read and follow label directions. Advertisers must include a link to a site that lists the full range of health benefits, risks and other relevant information concerning use of the nonprescription drug.
Advertising for nonprescription drugs is not acceptable in areas directed to kids.
Advertising for nonprescription drugs is acceptable in areas directed to teens but must be approved by the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
Advertising should be confined to those symptoms and conditions for which the product is indicated.
Advertising may not claim or imply that the product can be used for off-label uses. Representations which overstate a product’s effects are unacceptable.
Depictions of before-and-after product use situations should indicate an adequate and accurate time lapse if the product does not provide immediate relief.
Advertising should not portray a casual attitude toward the use of a medication or employ representations associated with the drug culture.
Nonprescription medication may not be equated or compared to prescription drugs. However, a reference to the heritage of a nonprescription drug, which was previously available only by prescription, is permitted.
The words “safe,” “harmless,” “without risk,” or any words or phrases with similar meaning are not acceptable.
Commercial copy should not dramatize distressing symptoms or morbid situations associated with specific illnesses or diseases, nor should it describe internal or external functions of the body in an objectionable manner.
Products that are not expressly subject to an approved FDA new drug application (NDA) may not be advertised as “FDA-approved.”
See Appendix B: Healthcare and Medicines, International Restrictions
Prescription Drugs
All advertising must comply with the guidance from the FDA.
See Appendix B: Healthcare and Medicines, International Restrictions
Prescription drugs/manufacturers:
▪ Fair Balance animation is allowed to animate as required by the FDA as long as it is stand- alone from the "static panel" promotional animation (limited to 15 seconds). Fair balance animation that may follow the promotional animation should not extend or otherwise intermingle with the 15 second static panel but can run until fair balance information is presented.
Pharmacies and Other Prescription Drug Resellers
Yahoo only accepts ads for sales of prescription medicines (including pet medication) in the United States and Canada. Pharmacies must be well-known, reputable companies that require an actual doctor's prescription to purchase medication, and must be accredited by VIPPS, Legitscript or other NABP certification programs.
- Advertising for prescription drugs is not acceptable in areas directed to kids and teens.
- Advertising for prescription drugs should in no way glamorize the product or otherwise encourage excessive, irresponsible, or improper drug use.
- Advertisers are required to comply with all applicable laws where they are targeting their ads. Compliance with the policies noted in this document, does not necessarily constitute legal compliance.
Manufacturers are not required to have certification to advertise, as long as they do not sell their prescription medicines online.
Ads that market to customers outside the U.S. and U.S. territories are not allowed.
See Appendix B: Healthcare and Medicines, International Restrictions
Please send all pharmaceutical advertising requests to the Yahoo Ad Policy Team. For advertisers with managed accounts, please contact your Account Manager.
Advertising of FDA-approved prescription drugs is acceptable, provided it complies with these Policies and applicable regulations or guidance issued by the FDA. Advertisers may be required to submit third-party substantiation concerning such compliance.
- Online pharmacies (including pet pharmacies) that advertise prescription drugs to customers in Canada must be accredited by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacies (NABP).
- Manufacturers are not required to have certification to advertise, as long as they do not sell their prescription medicines online.
- Ads that market to customers outside of Canada are not allowed.
- For more information, please see the following NABP websites:
- Advertising for the online sale of prescription contact lenses is not allowed.
- Pharmaceutical manufacturers are allowed to advertise as long as they do not sell prescription only medicines online.
- Ad copy must not promote the sale of prescription-only medicines.
Republic of Ireland
- Manufacturers are allowed to advertise, as long as they do not sell their prescription medicines online.
United Kingdom
- Online pharmacies must be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council. For more information, please see the website for the General Pharmaceutical Council.
- Ad copy must not promote the sale of prescription only medicines.
- Providers of prescription eyeglasses must be registered with the General Optical Council.
- Veterinary online pharmacies are allowed if they are registered with any of the following:
The General Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
The Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland
The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
The Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA)
United States
- Online pharmacies (including pet pharmacies) that advertise prescription drugs to customers in the United States must be accredited by the National Association Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
- Manufacturers are not required to have certification to advertise, as long as they do not sell their prescription medicines online.
- Ads that market to customers outside the U.S. and U.S. territories are not allowed. For more information, please see the following NABP websites:
Advertising for movies, videos and events is acceptable, subject to the following guidelines:
- All advertising for domestic motion pictures and motion picture videos must carry either an MPAA rating or a disclosure that such rating has not yet been assigned.
- Placement of advertising is determined on the basis of audience composition and program/area compatibility. Placement restrictions generally are as follows:
"G" - All ages admitted: No restrictions.
"PG" - Some material may not be suitable for children: No restrictions.
"PG-13" - Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13: Not permitted in any area directed to kids.
"R" - Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian: Not permitted in any area directed to kids or teens."R" rated movies can be promoted on the AOL Homepages and other high level areas but may require some restrictions based on the theme of the movie.
"NC-17" - No One 17 and Under Admitted: Not permitted without an exception approved by the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
- Red-Band Trailers: Advertising that includes red-band movie trailers (movie previews that have not been approved for all audiences and can play only in front of R-rated movies in theaters) in the creative or on the movie landing page is acceptable, provided:
Requests to run advertisements that include red-band trailers are approved by the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
Placements for these advertisements must be age-appropriate and demo-targeted to an audience that is 18+.
All red-band trailers must have the MPAA warning that indicates it is approved for restricted audiences only
All red-band trailers must have a functional age verification method that is approved by the MPAA (e.g., Aristotle or similar method).
Creatives that contain the red-band trailer must not auto-launch the trailer and must be defaulted to off.
Music and Concerts
Advertising for music, music videos, and musical events is acceptable, subject to the following specific placement and labeling guidelines.
All advertising for recordings that carry the Parental Advisory label must communicate the presence of explicit content (in accordance with Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) standards) and may only be placed in areas with appropriate context and audience composition.
Video Games
Advertising for online games or offline video games/programs is acceptable. Games must carry either an ESRB rating or a disclosure that such rating has not yet been assigned. Guidelines for placement of ESRB ratings must follow
- Placement of advertising is determined on the basis of audience composition and program/area compatibility. Placement restrictions generally are as follows:
“EC”- Early Childhood: No restrictions.
“E”- Everyone: No restrictions.
“T”- Teen: Not permitted in any area directed to kids.
“M”- Mature: Not permitted in any area directed to kids or teens. M rated games may be advertised with certain restrictions (placement, demo-target, etc.) and require case-by-case Yahoo Ad Policy team review and approval. M rated games with trailers must have the ESRB warning that indicates it is approved for restricted audiences only; must have a functional age verification method that is approved by the Yahoo Ad Policy team and creatives that contain the trailer must not auto-launch the trailer, and must be defaulted to off. For review please contact the Yahoo Ad Policy Team.
“AO”- Adult Only: AO games are prohibited.
Hemp, CBD and CBN
Advertising for non-ingestible hemp, CBD, and CBN products (e.g. lotions, creams, salves, oils) are acceptable on a case-by-case basis. The product must be derived from industrial hemp and intended for topical use only. Marijuana-derived CBD or CBN is not allowed.
Additional requirements:
- Must only target the US, Canada, or the UK (see UK section below). All advertisers must be vetted and allowlisted by the Yahoo Ad Policy team to ensure the ads comply with applicable regional regulations
- May not run on DL, log in pages, or above the fold on AOL and Yahoo homepages
- Must be age targeted to users 18+
- Creatives may not feature marijuana plants, symbols or imagery
Creatives and landing page may not:
- Offer sale of marijuana, ingestible CBD, or ingestible CBN (for humans or animals)
- Refer to marijuana, THC, or cannabis. References to cannabidiol are acceptable
- Contain any suggestion of hemp extract, CBD or CBN product consumption (e.g. that the oil is an ingredient in or should be added to food or beverage)
- Contain any suggestion of mind-altering effects
- Contain any misleading or unsubstantiated physical or mental health claims.
- Examples of misleading health claims may include claims that product:
a) can prevent, treat, or minimize the effects of diseases, including (but not limited to) cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, fibromyalgia, and neuropsychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, seizures, migraine headaches, addiction, eating disorders, etc.)
b) provides neurological benefits, such as preventing or treating age-related cognitive decline
c) has anti-nausea, anti-convulsive or anti-inflammatory properties
d) can help treat minor skin wounds, burns, or infections
e) is safe for all users
- Contain any implied or indirect claims about the product. Examples include:
a) stating that CBD has been approved by the FDA as a medicinal compound for treating rare forms of epilepsy
b) claims that CBD has been studied for its effects on inflammation, arthritic pain, neuropathy, anxiety, and nausea
Each advertiser must be vetted and allowlisted by the ad policy team.
Yahoo reserves the right to revoke allowlist status if campaigns are found to be non-compliant at any point after initial clearance.
In addition to the policy above, Advertisers must:
- in all cases, sign a self-certification statement that the product they are advertising is not a narcotic substance;
- if the topical product is a medicine, demonstrate that it has received marketing authorisation from the MHRA and that the proposed advertisement complies with that authorisation;
- if the topical product is a medicine, it cannot be a prescription medicine;
- if the topical product is not a medicine, that the advert not make any claims to treat, cure, or prevent a medical condition of the mind or body and follow MHRA guidance and guidance of the Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association regarding the content and production process of the topical product.
Subscriptions or Negative Option Marketing
The phrase “negative option marketing” refers to a category of commercial transactions in which sellers interpret a customer’s failure to take an affirmative action, either to reject an offer or cancel an agreement, as assent to be charged for goods or services. A popular form of negative option marketing is a trial offer structured as a free-to-pay or nominal fee-to-pay conversion plan, wherein consumers receive a good or service for free (or at a nominal price) for an introductory period. They only incur a charge or pay a greater amount if they do not take affirmative action to cancel, reject, or return the good or service before the end of the trial period.
Yahoo generally will not accept advertising from companies that utilize negative option pricing plans.
Yahoo will accept, at our sole discretion, advertising from companies utilizing a negative option pricing plan if the advertiser complies with the following guidelines:
- Discloses material terms of an offer, including a description of the goods or services being offered and their price, in an understandable manner, without making them unnecessarily long or inconsistent;
- Makes all disclosures clear and conspicuous by placing them directly adjacent to the negative option offer indicating their importance and relevance, and by using easy-to-read fonts and colors;
- Discloses the offer’s material terms before obtaining consumers’ billing information;
- Obtains consumers’ express, informed consent to be billed by, for example, having them click “I Agree” and without relying on pre-checked boxes;
- Provides simple cancellation mechanisms and honors cancellation requests (i.e., has a reliable customer service operation); and
- Is in good standing with any of the various business ratings organizations (e.g., Better Business Bureau (BBB)).
Political Ads
Read about our Political Advertising Process here.
Yahoo defines political ads as ads related to a candidate for an elected office, an elected officeholder, or an issue that will appear on an upcoming ballot. They may also include ads intended to raise awareness on certain political or social issues.
It is acceptable to make political advertising opportunities available to candidates, political committees, political parties and other groups or individuals, subject to the restrictions below. Advertisers must be based in the country where the political ads are targeted. The billing location must match the targeted country.
The Yahoo DSP and Yahoo Premium Direct-Sold Channels limit political opportunities to advertisers, seat holders, and partners whose accounts are directly managed by an Yahoo Account Manager and have received explicit pre-approval at the advertiser level from the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
Third-party DSPs may run political ads provided that the DSP has been pre-approved by the Yahoo Ad Policy Team.
US Restrictions:
- Ads for state and local campaigns and ballot measures must comply with applicable state and local laws and regulations, and may be subject to additional legal requirements. Ads for state and local campaigns are not permitted in Washington.
International Restrictions:
- Political advertising for campaigns for elective offices in countries outside the U.S. is not acceptable, unless it is geographically targeted, lawful in the jurisdiction, and pre-approved by the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
- Political advertising is prohibited in Brazil, the Middle East, North Africa, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland.
- Political advertising is prohibited in France during the period 6 months before the first day of the month of an election.
- Taiwan:
- Ads for public election candidates during the election period shall disclose the name of the advertiser and the funder, if any, in the ads and shall contain an “electoral campaign ad” disclaimer. If the advertiser and or the funder is a legal entity or organization, the name of the responsible person and the physical address or website address of the legal entity or organization shall also be shown on the ads.
- The required and specified information stated above should be clearly and distinctly presented, separate from the content of the ad itself, and must adhere to the following regulations:
- Text and graphic ads: The font size of the required and specified information must not be less than 5% of the total advertisement area.
- Audio ads: This information should be presented audibly at either the beginning or end of the advertisement, lasting for at least three seconds.
- Video ads: The required and specified information should be displayed at either the beginning or end of the ad, lasting for a minimum of three seconds.
- The advertiser and the funder shall submit an application letter and an affidavit letter in accordance with local laws for electoral campaign ads running in the election period.
- During the election period, the advertisers and funders of electoral campaign ads must not be individuals, legal entities, or groups from foreign countries, Mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macau. This rule also applies to legal entities, groups, or organizations registered in Taiwan if their primary members are from the aforementioned regions.Ads for candidates of president or vice president shall disclose the names of the party and the candidate
- No ads related to public elections can run on election day
- Ads that publish any survey results during the restricted period (from the date of the announcement of the public election to 10 days before the election date) must disclose the following information:
- organization in charge of the survey
- implementing time
- sampling method, matrix and sample size
- error and budget source
- No ads for survey results can run from 10 days before the election day.
- A 'paid for by' disclaimer is not required as long as the ads are:
- Advertisements may contain a link or directly link to a website that contains further positions or views if those positions or views conform to the guidelines set forth herein.
- Political advertising shall not be placed in a context or location that would make it misleading, deceptive, or otherwise violate Yahoo's community standards. Political advertising may be geographically targeted and/or demographically targeted.
- All political advertising must comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations, FEC regulations, and (where applicable) state or local laws and regulations, and such compliance shall be the sole responsibility of the advertiser.
- All political advertising must clearly identify who paid for the communication and whether or not it was authorized by a candidate and/or organization on the ad banner, video, or link prior to click-thru or viewing of content. Unauthorized ads must also include contact information for the sponsoring organization. "Paid for by" disclosure must be clear and conspicuous (i.e., easily identifiable by contrasting color and font on the ad banner or video).
- Political advertising cannot give the appearance that Yahoo supports or favors any particular candidate, party, or political agenda.
- Political advertising that uses content that has been digitally generated or altered (in a manner that is material to the ad’s claims) to depict realistic-looking scenarios that did not actually happen must include a clear and conspicuous disclosure such as “This ad does not depict real events” or “This audio was computer generated”.
Advertising for organizations and individuals who wish to raise awareness on certain political and social issues is acceptable. Determination of suitability of any given issue or advertisement is at the sole discretion of Yahoo.
- All issue advertising must clearly identify who paid for the communication on the ad banner, video, or link prior to click-thru or viewing of content.
- All potential political issue advertising opportunities must be approved by the Yahoo Ad Policy team.
- Political issue advertising is prohibited in Brazil, the Middle East, North Africa, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland.
- Political issue advertising is prohibited in France during the period 6 months before the first day of the month of an election
Non-political advertising:
- Advertising may not promote extreme political or extreme religious agendas or any known associations with hate, criminal, or terrorist activities.
- Commercial advertising may not exploit political agendas or use "hot button" political issues or names of prominent politicians for commercial unauthorized political campaign use. For example, an ad may not refer to the immigration policy of an administration or political candidate to deliver a travel ad. But a candidate may counter his/her opponent on the basis of his/her stand on immigration reforms.
Religious Ads
Advertising for religious and spiritual products or organizations is acceptable subject to the following guidelines:
- Ads may not be hateful or disparaging towards any religion
- Ads may not exploit sensitive religious issues to promote commercial, non-religious products or services, for example weight loss programs or financial investments
- Ads may not be targeted based on religious belief or interest (see Ad Targeting Policies)
- Ads may not imply that the faith of the user is known to the advertiser. For example, the message “Meet other Christian singles” is prohibited
- Yahoo reserves the right at any time, in its sole discretion, to deny approval, revoke approval, and/or require the elimination or revision of any religious ad or campaign.
Psychics, Tarot Readings, Fortune Tellers
The advertising of astrology, character reading, fortune-telling, mind reading, numerology, occultism, palm reading, phrenology, or similar subjects is acceptable when it is for the purpose of entertainment.
These advertisements should not state or imply that they have any scientific basis or validity.
Such ads are prohibited in: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Ads for magic spells and potions are prohibited globally.
Social Media Landing Pages
- Ads may link to a “public” social networking account page (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) that is controlled by the advertiser, provided the ad is otherwise compliant with these policies.
- Using a sign-in page or requirement must be for a specific reason, such as for ads with age-restricted content. Advertisers can require page "likes" or application integration on social media sites before giving users access to ad offers.
- Ads cannot contain Facebook platform integrations, such as the Facebook Like button, Share button or Feeds.
Software & Downloads
Disallowed Behaviors
Software must not include viruses, or perform malicious behaviors intended to compromise the security of the device, or harm the device, other applications or personal data.
- Applications that collect user information or track device use without the user’s knowledge are not allowed.
- Advertisers must not require a signup as a condition of a free download.
- Ads from an application may not interfere with other applications, or the ads on other applications.
- Uninstall functionality cannot be difficult or conditional. Misleading claims about negative effects to the user's device or privacy should an application be uninstalled are not allowed.
- Click To Download: "Click to download" call to action is prohibited. Users must be directed to a landing page or app store where they are provided information about the offer before they download it.
All relevant information must be disclosed to consumers before install. These disclosures include but are not limited to:
- Description of the download and what is included in the download.
- Actions and effects that the software will have on the user's device and settings.
Prohibited Software
Yahoo reserves the right to refuse advertising for third parties' promotion of software downloads including software bundles. This may include, but is not limited to, downloads or download bundles that include Tor Project browser software.
Testosterone Boosters
Advertising for testosterone boosters is acceptable on a case-by-case basis. Approved advertisers may not use creatives or landing pages which contain a) men and woman together in situations or poses that appear sexual in nature, b)women in sexually suggestive poses, attire, and/or situations, or which c) that give the impression that the couple is going to engage in sexual relations, or d) imply the main benefit of the product is to enhance sexual performance.
All products and advertising must comply with Yahoo's advertising policies for Dietary Supplements contained herein.
Creatives must use images and text that tout the benefits of using testosterone to increase energy and overall health and well-being only.
Advertising for tobacco or products containing tobacco or nicotine is prohibited. This includes cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, nicotine pouches, or any other preparation of tobacco, regardless of nicotine content.
Advertising for tobacco-related products, products that form a component of a tobacco product, and products and services that directly facilitate or promote tobacco consumption, is prohibited. This includes cigarette papers, blunt wraps, pipes, filters and hookahs, or any other instrument or paraphernalia designed for the smoking or ingestion of tobacco, as well as hookah lounges and cigar bars, for example.
Advertising for products that simulate tobacco smoking is prohibited. This includes herbal cigarettes, electronic cigarettes and vaporizer delivery devices, including the cartridges and liquid solutions that are used in such devices, even if marketed as a smoking cessation or reduced-risk product.
Advertising for products that are clearly intended for smoking cessation is allowed. Products must be approved as such by a local regulatory authority, such as the US Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada.
Weight Reduction and Control
The advertising of in-person programs or surgery for the reduction, gain and control of weight is acceptable and must comply with established nutritional evidence and medical opinion, as well as the guidelines set forth below. Advertising for weight control in areas directed to kids or teens is not acceptable. Advertising for weight loss supplements is not acceptable on Yahoo sites. For clarity, prescription weight loss products may be accepted.
The FTC has stated that the following claims are likely deceptive and are therefore prohibited:
- causes weight loss of two pounds or more a week for a month or more without dieting or exercise;
- causes substantial weight loss no matter what or how much the consumer eats;
- causes permanent weight loss even after the consumer stops using product;
- blocks the absorption of fat or calories to enable consumers to lose substantial weight;
- safely enables consumers to lose more than three pounds per week for more than four weeks;
- causes substantial weight loss for all users; or
- causes substantial weight loss by wearing a product on the body or rubbing it into the skin.
Weight loss claims made in the form of a consumer testimonial may be acceptable provided: 1) the claims are qualified with a clear and conspicuous disclosure that results are not typical (if applicable) and 2) the typical results are provided.
Advertisements that contain before and after photos must depict actual users of the weight-loss product or service.
Ads with photos that appear to have been altered may not be accepted.
Advertisements must be in good taste, and may not stigmatize overweight individuals.
Such advertising must neither depict children using the products and services nor be directed to them.
Native: weight loss advertising may not contain testimonials or make specific weight loss claims in the ad text.
See Appendix B: Healthcare and Medicines, International Restrictions
Cryptocurrencies, Virtual Currencies, NFTs and Related Services
Cryptocurrencies are any type of unregulated, digital money or other virtual currency, that do not have legal tender status in any jurisdiction.
- Yahoo does not accept ads that explicitly promote direct user investment in specific cryptocurrencies. Please see the Single Security policy for related information.
- Yahoo does not accept ads that promote mining of cryptocurrencies through user’s computer usage (CPU or GPU or any other method). Ads may not access a user’s computer or browser in unauthorized ways.
Approved Markets:
Ads promoting cryptocurrencies and related services, like wallets and exchanges, are only allowed on a case-by-case basis in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
Ads promoting NFTs are only allowed on a case-by-case basis in the US, UK, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and Taiwan.
- Ads in this category must comply with Yahoo’s policies concerning Investment Advice and may not create an unrealistic expectation about the financial results or risks of the product.
- Ads, landing pages and related web sites for cryptocurrency exchanges, or for other services involving cryptocurrency, must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, guidance, rulings and licensing/registration requirements in all applicable jurisdictions. Examples include, in the United States, laws and regulations such as the Bank Secrecy Act, its implementing regulations and FinCEN guidance issued thereunder, Commodity Futures Trading Commission regulations, Internal Revenue Service regulations, federal and state laws prohibiting unfair, deceptive or abusive practices against consumers and state money transmitter or “Bitlicense” laws and regulations; and in the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority’s requirements for financial promotions.
- The landing page must contain a clear and prominent disclaimer explaining the risks involved. Statements for risk may include that:
- Users of cryptocurrency may lose some or all of their investment.
- The value of cryptocurrencies may change substantially in a short amount of time.
- Transactions may be irreversible, even if fraudulent or accidental.
- Quickly changing laws or technical problems can adversely affect the use, transfer, exchange and value of cryptocurrencies.
- There may be security risks.
- Important terms must be disclosed prominently on the landing page, in a manner that a reasonable consumer will notice, and in close proximity to the claims that such terms modify or relate to.
- Ads and landing pages may not make claims that are contrary to the required disclosures. Exaggerated or unrealistic claims are not acceptable, even with disclosures to “counteract” exaggerated claims. For example, ads may not claim that investing in bitcoin guarantees an income, or a return on investment, or will enable users to make significant money without risk.
- Ads and landing pages may not promote use of cryptocurrency for illegal purposes, such as avoiding taxes, or for any use that would violate Yahoo policies.
- The promotion of NFTs for digital collectibles is allowed in the US, UK, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and Taiwan.
- Digital collectibles are defined as those that represent ownership of digital works of art, and not ownership of an underlying financial instrument. Other types of NFTs will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- In the UK, advertisers must be registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and in compliance with the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017.
- The promotion of NFTs based on physical assets or securities is prohibited.
- The promotion of an NFT as an investment opportunity is prohibited.
- NFT platforms that provide custodial cryptocurrency wallets for their users must be registered with FinCen in the US, the FCA in the UK, or the relevant local authorities in Australia, Japan and Singapore.
- The landing page, website or app must contain legitimate contact information for the business being promoted, including a phone number, email address, and/or contactable social media information, such as IG, Facebook or Twitter.
Solicitation of Funds
- Fund-raising ads from recognised charities or non-profit organizations are allowed.
- Fund-raising ads from individuals are prohibited.
- Creatives may not use graphic imagery of human or animal suffering.
- Crowdfunding: only accepted from well-known, reputable crowdfunding platforms. Fund-raising for a particular product or service must clearly state in the ad content or the landing page that (i) the product/service will not be shipped until the target of the fund-raising has been met; and (ii) if the project fails to reach the target by the deadline, the platform will refund the participants.
Regional Restrictions
- Ads for charitable fund-raising by non-profit organizations or institutions registered in Taiwan are acceptable provided that the approval number of such fund-raising projects is included in the ad content or on the landing page.