Global Yahoo Advertising Policies
Recreational Drugs
Advertising that facilitates the distribution, use, or cultivation of illegal substances, substances of questionable legality, or substances whose primary purpose is for recreational mind alteration is not acceptable.
Advertising that facilitates the distribution of drug paraphernalia, which is defined as any legitimate equipment, product, or material that is modified for making, using, or concealing recreational drugs is not acceptable.
Advertising for the following is prohibited:
- Medicinal or recreational marijuana products and derivatives, including marijuana-derived CBD
- Dispensaries, delivery methods, accessories, and any services related to marijuana
Issue advocacy and political advertising related to marijuana, for example ads that advocate for or against the legalization of marijuana, are acceptable provided that the advertisements comply with Yahoo's Advertising Policies for political and issue advocacy contained herein. Ad creative may not feature marijuana plants, symbols or imagery.
Public health and safety messages related to marijuana are allowed with pre-approval by the Yahoo Ad Policy Team.
Marijuana - Investments
Advertising that promotes investment opportunities or financial advice related to marijuana is only permitted in the US and Canada.
Investment ads must comply with the following guidelines, in addition to our policies for "Investment Advice":
- Per our policy for "Single Securities", ads may not promote specific companies by name or stock symbol.
- Ads may not suggest the sale of marijuana products
- Ad creative may not feature marijuana plants, symbols or imagery