Global Yahoo Advertising Policies
Appendix C: Online Gambling
This is not an exhaustive list. Additional restrictions may apply in these or other countries. All online gambling advertisers must be approved by Yahoo prior to launch.
Yahoo's policy on gambling advertising differs by country and region. As an advertiser, it is your responsibility to ensure compliance with all applicable local and national regulations. Yahoo reserves the right to refuse an ad or to make exceptions to the policy even if an ad complies with the guidelines.
Online gambling: Advertising for websites that promote or facilitate, directly or indirectly, online gambling or wagering is allowed only in the countries listed below with strict adherence to local laws.
- Geo-targeting and age targeting 18+ are required.
- Proof of eligibility/license is required.
Online gambling sites include:
- Sites that accept wagers or require payment in exchange for the chance to win prizes, as well as sites that offer both information and links related primarily to the promotion of online gambling.
- Any content that facilitates, promotes or is affiliated in any way with online gambling or wagering of any type.
- Websites that contain links that direct site visitors to prohibited gambling content, regardless of the location of the links or whether the offer originates in a geographic region where gambling is legal. In other words, it must be impossible for a site visitor to navigate from your website to any prohibited gambling or wagering content.
- Educational, “learn to play”, “practice” and other free simulation sites, including .net sites that are affiliated with an online gambling site.
- Games of chance, gaming & casino games, and spread betting.
- Landing pages that aggregate multiple gambling companies are not allowed; each licensed company must be in its own account
Additional country restrictions:
- Online gambling operators must be licensed by the Lottery of the City of Buenos Aires. This allows them to operate in all provinces and provides access for all bettors in Argentina.
Gambling-related ads:
- Not directed to minors;
- Minors cannot participate;
- Not misleading; not lead to confusion regarding the nature of the betting;
- Disclaimer about the risk associated with sports betting and gambling.
- Gambling operators must be state licensed in Australia and may not target other markets.
- In addition, advertisers must represent, covenant, and warrant that the advertising is in compliance with applicable laws and guidelines including all registration requirements. Advertisers must provide Yahoo with their proof of license upon request.
- Gambling operators must be state licensed by the Austrian government and may not target markets other than Austria.
- Gambling operators must be licensed by the Belgian Gaming Commission.
- Non-licensed games of chance (online included) areis explicitly forbidden.
- Gambling ads are strictly prohibited.
- Sports betting ads must be pre-approved by Yahoo Legal.
- Gambling operators must be physically located in Canada, and must be licensed by the gambling board of a Canadian province or territory, which only grants permission to operate within the province or territory in which they are licensed. A licensed gambling operator may not target Canadian provinces or territories in which they are not licensed, or any other markets.
- Ontario: sports betting operators are not required to be located in Canada, but they must be registered with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) and have executed an operating agreement with iGO.
- Targeting minors is not allowed.
- Advertisers must comply with applicable regulations and industry best practices, including responsible gaming messaging, non-deceptive description of odds of winning, and prize amounts.
- All forms of online gambling are prohibited based on the Civil and Penal Codes.
- Lottery operator Polla Chilena is the only online sportsbook operator in Chile as it was authorized to run online sport betting in 2013. Advertisement is allowed.
- Gambling operators must be licensed by Coljuegos, the Colombian gambling regulatory body.
- Gambling ads are strictly prohibited.
- Gambling ads are strictly prohibited.
- Gambling operators must be authorized by L'Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ), The Pari Mutuel Urbain (PMU) for horse racing or the Francaise des Jeux (FDJ) for lotteries.
- Also content must not:
Encourage gambling addiction.
Raise expectations of a better lifestyle or other improvements.
Promote financial loans services.
Target an underage audience, redirect to sites dedicated to a young audience, or promote youth related sponsoring events.
- Advertisers must be licensed by the Joint Gambling Authority of the Federal States, (Gemeinsame Glücksspielbehörde der Länder). Advertisers must provide Yahoo with their advertising permission upon request.
- Advertising for all types of permitted gambling offerings must comply with the applicable legal requirements (e.g. gambling law, competition, youth protection, consumer protection and data protection requirements). In particular, the following must be adhered to:
- Advertising must not be directed at minors or comparably vulnerable target groups.
- Misleading advertising for public gambling, in particular advertising that contains inaccurate statements about the chances of winning or the type and amount of winnings, is prohibited.
- No advertising for virtual slot machine games, online poker and online casino games is allowed between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. daily.
- Immediately before or during the live broadcast of sporting events, advertising for sports betting on this sporting event is not permitted on the broadcasting channel. Advertising for sports betting with active athletes and officials is inadmissible. Live scores of sports events may not be combined with advertising for sports betting on this sports event.
- In connection with the advertisement of virtual slot machine games, the use of the terms "casino" and/or "casino games" is prohibited.
- Gambling operators must be licensed by Gaming Commission Ghana
- Gambling operators must be state licensed by the government of Greece and may not target markets other than Greece.
- Gambling ads are strictly prohibited.
- Fantasy sports ads are allowed on a case-by-case basis.
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
- Gambling ads are prohibited unless exempted by the government
- Gambling ads are not allowed, with the exception of state sponsored lottery ads.
- Advertising for brick and mortar casinos is prohibited.
- Gambling operators (lotteries, sports betting, and online casino games) must be licensed by the Kenyan gambling authority
- The following must be listed on the landing page
- Warning sign with accompanying text: "Gambling can be addictive, play responsibly"
- Stated age limit, e.g. "not for persons under 18 years"
- Advertiser name, address, and toll-free phone number
- "Authorized and regulated by Betting Control & Licensing Board" and corresponding license number
- Ads must not glamorize gambling, use any celebrity images or endorsements, or depict gambling as a source of income or method to achieve social success
- Gambling operators must have a license issued by the MX local authority.
- Approved lotteries must provide a license issued by either the Dutch Authority on Games of Chance (Kansspelautoriteit) or by a local municipality, whichever applies.
New Zealand
- Gambling operators must be state licensed by the government of New Zealand and may not target markets other than New Zealand.
- Gambling operators must be licensed by the National Lottery Regulatory Commission.
- Gambling ads are strictly prohibited.
- Gambling operators must be licensed by the Junta de Control de Juegos (JJC). Under the Online Gaming Act of 2002, licenses to operate online casinos sites are required.
Gambling-related ads:
- Not directed to minors;
- Minors cannot participate;
- Not misleading; not lead to confusion regarding the nature of the betting;
- Advertisements must not be offensive or undermine the good image.
- Gambling operators must be licensed by the Services of Regulação e Inspeção de Jogos.
- Gambling ads are strictly prohibited
Republic of Ireland
- Online gambling advertisers must be in possession of a license issued by the National Excise License Office.
- Gambling operators must be state licensed by the government of Romania and may not target markets other than Romania.
- Gambling ads are strictly prohibited
South Africa
- Gambling operators must be state-licensed by the government of South Africa and must legally operate within the territory of South Africa.
- Operator must be licensed as appropriate for betting and specific games with the Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas.
- Gambling ads may only run between the hours of 1am and 5am.
- Gambling operators must be state licensed by the government of Sweden.
- Gambling operators must be Swiss-based casinos with governmental license to extend their land-based operations to online gambling services. Each campaign must be cleared with the Federal Casino Commission (ESBK).
- Gambling operators must be licensed by the Gaming Board of Tanzania
- The following are allowed with valid license: lotteries, sports betting, online casino games, poker
- Gambling operators must be licensed by National Gaming Board Uganda:
- Sports betting
- Must be age targeted to users 25+
United Kingdom
- The gambling operator must be licensed or otherwise authorized by the U.K. Gambling Commission, and be in compliance with any applicable legal requirements. Proof of license must be displayed on the website, preferably on the landing page, and be otherwise verifiable on the U.K. Gambling Commission website.
- Gambling operators must provide valid Zambian license