Global Yahoo Advertising Policies
Appendix A: Alcohol, International Restrictions
This is not an exhaustive list. Additional restrictions may apply in these or other countries. Please contact your Account Manager for more information.
Additional country restrictions:
- Algeria: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Bahrain: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Bolivia: Advertisements must contain the warning, "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to health. Sale prohibited to minors below 18"
- Brazil: Advertisement of alcohol in allowed under certain conditions and must contain the warnings according to the local regulation. Please consult Yahoo Legal for approval.
- Egypt: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Finland: Advertising of strong alcoholic beverages (>21% ABV) is prohibited.
- France: Advertisements must contain a health message on the actual creative, such as "L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé”.
- Germany: The advertising of alcohol must comply with the following criteria: (i) it must not be aimed at children or young people or specifically appeal to children and young people through its manner of presentation or portray minors consuming alcohol; (ii) in no event may a connection be made between improved physical performance and alcohol consumption; (iii) it must not suggest that the consumption of alcohol leads to social or sexual success; (iv) it must not suggest that alcohol has a therapeutic, stimulating, calming or problem solving effect; (v) consumption of alcohol without moderation must not be promoted, nor must abstinence and moderation be presented in a negative light; (vi) the alcohol content of beverages must not be emphasized as a positive feature.
- Hong Kong: Ads must be targeted to users over the legal purchase age of 18.
- India: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Indonesia: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Jordan: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Kuwait: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Lebanon: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Libya: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Malaysia: Ads must comply with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Content Code. Specifically:
- Ads must be targeted to users 21+ and may not target Muslims
- Ads must include a clearly visible disclaimer stating that the advertisement is intended "strictly for non-Muslims aged 21 and above only"
- Ads must include clearly visible responsible drinking messages
- Ads should only feature people who are "non-Muslims aged 25 and above and reasonably appear to be and are being portrayed as over 25 years of age"
- Morocco: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- New Zealand: Ads must be targeted to users over the legal purchase age of 18. Alcohol advertising:
- shall neither conflict with nor detract from the need for responsibility and moderation in liquor consumption;
- shall observe a high standard of social responsibility;
- shall not depict or imply the consumption of liquor in potentially hazardous situations or include any unsafe practices;
- shall not offer motor vehicles or boats as prizes in any competition;
- shall be directed to adult audiences. Alcohol advertisements shall not be directed at minors nor have strong or evident appeal to minors in particular;
- shall not be shown on television between 6.00 am and 8.30 pm;
- shall not use or refer to identifiable heroes or heroines of the young;
- broadcasters must take care to avoid the impression that liquor promotion is dominating the viewing or listening period when broadcasting liquor advertisements, including liquor sponsorship advertisements and/or liquor sponsorship credits taking into account the context of the programme;
- sponsorship advertisements and sponsorship credits shall clearly and primarily promote the sponsored activity, team or individual. The sponsor, the sponsorship and items incidental to them, may be featured only in a subordinate manner; and
- shall not by any means, directly or by innuendo, contain any misleading description, claim or comparison about the product advertised, or about any other product, or suggest some special quality which cannot be sustained.
- Norway: Advertising that promotes the online sale of products with more than 2.5% alcohol by volume is not allowed.
- Omar: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Panama: Advertisements must display a message approved by the Health Ministry such as:
- "Do not drink when driving"
- "Alcohol can produce brain, fetus and liver damage"
- "Conducir bajos los efectos del alcohol, aumenta los riesgos de accidentes" / "Driving under the influence of alcohol increases the risk of accidents"
- "El alcohol puede conducir a estados de violencia y a la desintegración familiar / "Alcohol can lead to states of violence and family disintegration"
- "Cuando maneje no tome; cuando tome no maneje" / "When driving do not drink; when you drink do not drive"
- Paraguay: Advertisements must contain the warning, "Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to health. Sale prohibited to minors"
- Philippines: Advertising must comply with the following: (i) should not depict actual act of drinking of the product; (ii) should not equate drinking with masculinity or indicate that it is essential for social acceptance; (iii) should not promote therapeutic effects or claim to enhance sexual appeal; (iv) should not indicate driving or drinking are compatible activities; (v) models must be 21+ years; (vi) the advice "drink moderately" must be shown in all ads.
- If any ad leads to a website where alcohol can be purchased, the seller of the alcohol must be in possession of an appropriate license.
- Ads must target 18+.
- Qatar: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Russia: Advertising for alcohol is not allowed. This includes branding campaigns and the online sales of alcohol.
- Saudi Arabia: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Singapore: Advertising must comply with the Singapore Code of Advertising Practice, in particular, Appendix K of the Singapore Code of Advertising Practice on advertising for Alcoholic Drinks. See
- If any advertising leads to a website where alcohol can be purchased, the seller must be in possession of a valid liquor license or be otherwise exempted from such a license.
- Sweden: Ads should not be targeted to anyone under the age of 25.
- Taiwan:
- Advertising that promotes the online sale of alcohol is not allowed.
- Ads must be targeted to users over the legal purchase age of 18.
- Alcohol advertisements and promotions shall be conspicuously labeled with the warnings " Driving After Drinking is Prohibited," and further with second warning such as "Excessive Drinking Endangers Health," or other warnings, and shall not involve any of the following: 1) Violation of public order and good morals; 2) Encouraging or advocating consumption of alcohol; 3) Targeting of children or youths, or harming the mental and physical wellbeing of children, youths, or pregnant women; 4) Content that is deceptive, exaggerated, fabricated, or easily misinterpreted; 5) Labeling, advertising, or promotions that implicitly or explicitly indicate medical or health effects; 6) Other matters prohibited by the government authority
- Warning language must occupy 1/10 of the advertisement throughout the entire course of the advertisement.
- Thailand: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Tunisia: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- UK:
- All advertising of alcoholic drinks must comply with the CAP Code ( and the Portman Group ( code of practice relating to the naming, packaging and advertising of alcoholic products. Where required by law, the advertiser must disclose in the advertisement the name and city of the brewer, producer, packer, wholesaler, or importer responsible for its transmission.
- If any advertising leads to an area where alcohol can be purchased, the advertiser/merchant must verify in writing that it has (a) an age verification mechanism to ensure compliance with applicable age limitation regulations; and (b) a shipping verification mechanism to ensure compliance with any legal restrictions prohibiting the shipping of alcoholic beverages into the UK.
- Such mechanisms must be disclosed clearly and prominently on the online order form. Yahoo reserves the right, in its discretion, to take steps to assure that the age and shipping verification mechanisms are effective.
- United Arab Emirates: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.
- Vietnam:
- Advertising that promotes hard alcohol is not allowed.
- Advertising for products with 15% or less alcohol, such as beer and wine, is allowed as long as the associated landing pages do not sell other types of hard alcohol.
- Yemen: Promotion of alcohol is not allowed.